
Showing posts from August, 2021

An Organization to Carry Us into the Future

The Reinhabit Cooperative the Living Systems Institute is promoting is designed to be an organization that can carry our community into the future.  We are not concerned with existing business, government and religious organizations.  We humans can belong to more than one organization.  The problem that Reinhabit Cooperative seeks to address is the needs of all those individuals who are not being adequately served by those existing organizations. In the world we want in the future every individual human will be able to obtain the things they need to thrive.  The things humans need to thrive are food, shelter, learning, health belonging and purpose.  Reinhabit Cooperative will produce those things for all those participating in it. There are three sets of ideas we want to incorporate into the cooperative in order to address these needs. The first set is the ideas about managing a common pool resource following the work of Elinor Ostrom.   We call the co...