A Sufficiency Pattern within the Market Pattern

Each human being finds themselves within a pattern of interactions.  Not just the interactions among people.  Every living thing on earth is engaged in this pattern of interactions.

There is a category of interactions that involve the exchange of money.  Within this category are all the business transactions, the operations of government and the work of charities.  We will call this money fueled pattern of interactions the Market Pattern.

There is another category of interactions that involve a pattern of exchanges that does not involve money.  Within this category are ecosystems, traditional subsistence life styles, community gardens, home schooling and families doing other things to provide for themselves.  We will call a pattern of interactions that does not involve money the Sufficiency Pattern.

The back story in our narrative is about a community becoming aware that the needs of its residents is not being met through the Market Pattern.  The community decides to figure out how it can support the development of a Sufficiency pattern within the Market Pattern in the community.  The difference between the two patterns and the differences in how they operate will be explored through the narrative.


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