Creating a Pattern of Interactions

Pat and Chris at first met weekly for lunch between classes.  Pat was contemplating how to grow the produce that Chris would need to advertise fresh and locally grown as a way to attract business.  Chris was contemplating how to pay for the fresh produce.  At that fateful meeting the conversation went like this:

Chris said, "I have been thinking about what Professor Pena says about indigenous knowledge.  He calls it "saberes" as in knowings.  It is knowing how to interact with the living things in a place."

"Yes," Pat responded, "That is what David Braden talks about at LSI.  All the living things in a place create the pattern of interactions that provide for all the living things.  Learning to create the pattern you want means understanding the needs of the living things around us."

"If we were to consciously create a pattern of interactions," Chris pondered, "a pattern of interactions that produced fresh produce that I could prepare and sell as meals, what interactions are we talking about?"

"I think we can use Professor Dasaratha's Growing Systems of Success", Pat was contemplative, "The six Cs as I remember, engaging people in conversations, leads to clarity about their motivations, which allows us to choose the connections we will need to develop competence in coordinating activities with others.  It is about showing others how interacting with us benefits them . . . and the community."

Of course, that is where we start.", Chris was thinking way ahead now, "We will start building a network of success."

"I wonder if Reverend Ruth can help." Pat said, "She is working to create an addiction recovery program.  She will need some of the same connections we will.  Perhaps she can help us clarify the message for our potential contacts?"

"Maybe we should be meeting more often than weekly" Chris thought out loud.

Pat agreed and they both got out their calendars. 


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